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Herpes Travel Insurance

Specialist travel and holiday insurance if you have been diagnosed with herpes (HSV)

Herpes HSV travel and holiday insurance

HSV can present itself in many different forms, so whether you’ve been diagnosed with a cold sore, ocular herpes or genital herpes to name a few, look to It’s So Easy Travel Insurance to provide a specialist policy which includes cover for your pre-existing medical condition. Having insured people with herpes for more than 20 years, we are experienced, knowledgeable, and sensitive.


Providing you have completed an accurate medical screening to declare your condition, whether over the phone or through our online quote journey, our policies will provide cover if you need to cancel your trip due to a change in medical circumstances. Emergency medical expenses are covered across all policies from 5 to £10 million per insured, including those associated with your medical diagnosis. 

Herpes specialist travel insurance

It is thought that genital herpes is the most common ulcerative sexually transmitted infection in the UK and many might overlook this condition when purchasing travel insurance. However, anything that is medically diagnosed prior to your holiday or insurance booking is considered pre-existing and should be declared to ensure you are fully covered in the event of a claim. Providing you have declared your condition and we have made an offer of insurance, your medical conditions will be covered should you require emergency medical treatment abroad or need to cancel your trip due to a change of health.

How to apply for travel insurance

How to apply for travel insurance

How to apply for

travel insurance

Applying for travel insurance with herpes

You can apply for travel and holiday insurance through our online quote journey or over the phone with our friendly UK call centre. We aim to make the process as simple as possible and you can rest assured that all information remains confidential. If you need assistance obtaining a quote, we provide an online chat where one of our travel insurance agents will guide you through the process or you can call us on 01223 785 512.

We offer a variety of specialist travel insurance policies, from cover for pre-existing medical conditions to policies for those already travelling abroad. Click ‘Start Quote Journey’ to obtain a quote online. You will be presented with several policy options which direct you to a dedicated information page, explaining the cover details and benefits. Once you’ve found the policy suitable for your travel requirements, click the ‘Get Online Quote’ button to complete your details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wait until I have finished treatment before applying for insurance?
Do you cover one way trips?
Who is eligible to buy a policy with It’s So Easy Travel Insurance?