Oops, did you travel without insurance? We can get you back on track
OK To Travel is an alternative travel insurance product provided by our team, designed to cover pre-existing medical conditions. You can get an OK To Travel quote online and complete a medical screening, or call our medically aware agents to discuss your requirements. Find your condition below to read more:
Previous medical history is something often overlooked when seeking travel insurance cover, however, it’s vital that you have cover for any previous, reoccurring, or ongoing medical conditions to ensure you are fully covered in the event of a claim and to avoid scenarios like this... You are cruising around the Caribbean islands when you experience chest pain and are admitted to the on-board hospital facilities for tests, and if necessary, treatment. However, you failed to declare your blood pressure and cholesterol medication on your travel insurance policy. Upon your return home, you contact your insurers claims department, only to be told your policy is invalid as you failed to declare conditions that are linked to your medical claim. You are now responsible to cover any associated medical costs which could run into significant amounts!
We always treat customers fairly and will only screen conditions that are applicable to our declaration questions. It’s very easy to overlook a condition that you consider to be stable, such as blood pressure, cholesterol or even reflux. However, if you have medication prescribed to treat, prevent or maintain a condition, you will need to ensure you declare it to avoid invalidating your insurance. If you were treated for a condition, such as a type of cancer, several years ago – But still have routine, regular check-ups, you will still need to declare this on your insurance. If you are unsure about any aspect of your medical screening, it’s always worth speaking to one of our experienced and friendly travel insurance agents to help guide you through the process.
Frequently asked questions relating to pre-existing medical condition policies with OK To Travel
Travelling to a high risk area or country? We have partnered with High Risk Voyager to insure you
Single and annual multi-trip travel insurance for worldwide destinations including USA, Canada and Caribbean