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Our Underwriters Directive 

Travel under the traffic light system and the cover available with It's So Easy

Following the introduction of the traffic light system for international travel, our underwriters have stepped in to outline their stance for green, amber and red list countries. All travellers must check the latest advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office before purchasing insurance or travelling.

We offer a variety of travel insurance policies with two main underwriters. Cover benefits, limitations, terms and conditions will vary. Please ensure you read details applicable to your cover and policy type. If you are unsure contact us on 0330 606 1434. 

Directive from tifgroup relating to our Pre-Existing Medical Condition policies beginning ISETI/OK:


Directive from tifgroup

Directive from Millstream Underwriting Ltd relating to our Classic, HIV, Long Stay, One Way Trip and No Minimum Residency policies beginning ITS, IST and MT:

Directive from Millstream Underwriting Ltd

Please note: There will be no cover under our policies if you travel to a country or area where the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) or Government are advising against all or all but essential travel.